
Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Ustaz Darul dream MH370 forced plunged into the sea by two other aircraft

Ustaz Darul dream MH370 forced plunged into the sea  - Following the confirmation made ​​by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib late last night on the plane crashing MH370, a Ustaz called Darul Manzil has shared a story about how he sees his dream MH370 forced two other aircraft plunged into sea.

"Hi .. Yesterday, I did not intend go anywhere due to daily endure the pain of gout. Around 11pm, my old friend (Fadli) came to the house with his brother. Purpose of their coming was because want me to initiative his uncle treat those who suffer magic problems.

If someone else does I will reject. But when the Fadli ni reminisce my old friends from the standard 1-hard and we have fun together as single bit, then I take the invitation. Summarized the story, I returned home at 3:10 am. I'm so hungry when get home. So I invite the wife to accompany me to eat out, at this restaurant which is only 2 miles from our home. Around 4 am, we already have at home. Maybe because too tired, I keep well once the head slamming pillows. Prior to sleep, indeed I always read Al-Kautsar 11 times and then state like this, "Oh God, if there is something for me / patients / sickness / whatever, you, show . "Somehow I intent MH37O that night ...... I saw two planes flying in the air. A is MH370 and another vessel size smaller than the MH370 but not the kind of fighter planes. Another aircraft is also not the kind of commercial aircraft. In my opinion that is not familiar with the model airplane, I suppose it is a private aircraft.
The two ships were flying low over the coastline of rocky geography. I think the beach is not a tourist destination such as unbroken dangerous to live in. .. I then revealed what was happening on the plane MH370. From the passenger compartment, I see the panic in their respective seats. I walk in them chaotically looking crew. Apparently stewardess and steward sitting in the back room and front room near the food storage closet. There I saw two babies crying while their mother soothed. They seem to be warned to not move from your seat. Their faces fear at all. I walked towards the steering column. It was strange when I see a ship captain and his assistants struggled pressing switches are there and try to turn the steering wheel controls. It seems the plane is controlled automatically.Anxious faces of both the pilot. Suddenly, I felt the plane turn left and go up dramatically high. Captain struggled trying to control the steering wheel drive but no such effect. Suddenly the ship plunged down, then fly stable splitting the ocean. I heard a voice in the radio. "You do not ever try to change the route.There are no chance to turn back to your country. We control everything, we knew what you done inside " I pulled out the view from outside the plane MH370.I like flying in the clouds the clouds look both planes on the surface of the ocean that I do not know his name. Suddenly, I saw another plane into a future release then plunged into the water way down the path MH370. Later, the water column afflicted "things" yielded tremendous explosion. MH370 plane through the space and then sucked into the water from the tail of the aircraft. Looks a water beneath the spin. MH370 aircraft plunged into the water from the tail. Several times it turned around before disappearing from view. Aircraft another divert him to the left and fly through the clouds. I'm still there, I watched that scene I've ever seen in your life. Once the whirlpool disappear, I see two pieces of metal floating in the water. Fragments of the turvy topsy by the violent waves. I do not know what's happening on the fate of passengers on MH370 .. Drip tears at the sight of the incident. Suddenly I woke up from sleep ... I think the dream Dreamy suffered. I hope it's all just a toy to sleep and desperately hope that all the passengers on the MH370 is still alive .. Let us pray for their safety .. Amen. "

Friday, 21 March 2014

What and Who is Dajjal

In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, Compassionate
May His peace and blessings be upon His messenger Muhammad, his family, folk, companions, and those who follow him until the end of time.

Dajjal is a person whom the Prophet (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) described as appearing at the end of time. He is sent by Allah as a trial to people. Dajjal will claim godhood and Allah will allow supernatural acts to occur at his hands, such as bringing back to life those he kills, causing the sky to rain by his command, and the earth to produce vegetation by his command. He will have with him what resembles Paradise and Hell. The one he claims is Paradise is in reality Hell, and the one he claims is Hell is in reality Paradise. He will also have two rivers flowing with him. All of these things will be made to happen for him by the Power and Will of Allah. Whoever follows him will disbelieve and be misfortunate and remorseful. Whoever disbelieves him is the true Believer whom Allah has granted success to be of the felicitous. May Allah make us of those who are granted the success of felicity. 

Of the signs of Dajjal is that he is one-eyed, and he will have the letters ك ف ر (k f r : the arabic root letters for disbelief) between his eyes. Every Believer, even if illiterate, will be able to read and recognize the letters. All of these descriptions are found in rigorously authenticated reports from al-Bukhari, Muslim, and others. 

Then Allah will make him incapable of these supernatural events, so that he is not able to kill anyone, and his command is no longer executed. Then Prophet Jesus (upon him be peace) will kill him.

Because of the enormity of the trial that Dajjal will put people through, the Prophet (upon him be Allah's peace and blessings) encouraged us to seek refuge in Allah after every prayer from the tribulation of Dajjal. Bukhari and Muslim relate the hadith from Abu Hurayra (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet said, "After one of you finishes his tashahhud (what is read in the sitting of the prayer [i.e. after he finishes his prayer]) let him seek refuge in Allah from four things: the fire, the torment of the grave, the trials of life and death, and the trial of the Imposter Messiah, the Dajjal.

Bukhari and Muslim also relate from Abu al-Darda' (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (may Allah send His peace and blessings upon him) said, "Whoever memorizes the first ten verses of Surat al-Kahf shall be protected from Dajjal," and in another version of the hadith he mentioned the last ten verses. Imam al-Nawawi says in Sharh Muslim, "It is said the reason for this [i.e. benefit of memorizing the mentioned verses of al-Kahf] is that its beginning contains wondrous events and signs. He who reflects on their meaning will not suffer the trial of Dajjal. Its final verses, beginning from, 'Do those who disbelieve...,' are similar [in what they contain]."

Al-Nawawi mentions the words of the prominent Imam al-Qadi `Iyad al-Maliki from his The Tenets of Faith of Ahl al-Sunnah, "These hadith which Muslim and others relate regarding the story of Dajjal are a proof of his reality for the way of those of truth. He is a particular person whom Allah sends as a trial to His slaves. Allah gives him the power to do things, and they are only from His powers... This is the way of Ahl al-Sunnah, the Scholars of Hadith and Jurisprudence, and their like."

This is a brief account about Dajjal. He who wants further information should look in Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim along with their commentaries.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

The story of the Prophet Muhammad Near Death

Betapa mulia dan indahnya akhlak baginda Ya Rasulullah SAW Mengingatkan kita sewaktu sakratul maut.
Pagi itu, Rasulullah dengan suara terbata memberikan petuah,

"Wahai umatku, kita semua ada dalam kekuasaan Allah dan cinta kasih-Nya. Maka taati dan bertakwalah kepada-Nya. Kuwariskan dua hal pada kalian, sunnah dan Al Qur'an. Barang siapa mencintai sunnahku, berati mencintai aku dan kelak orang-orang yang mencintaiku, akan bersama-sama masuk surga bersama aku".

Khutbah singkat itu diakhiri dengan pandangan mata Rasulullah yang teduh menatap sahabatnya satu persatu.
Abu Bakar menatap mata itu dengan berkaca-kaca, Umar dadanya naik turun menahan napas dan tangisnya. Ustman menghela napas panjang dan Ali menundukkan kepalanya dalam-dalam. Isyarat itu telah datang, saatnya sudah tiba.

"Rasulullah akan meninggalkan kita semua," desah hati semua sahabat kala itu.

Manusia tercinta itu, hampir usai menunaikan tugasnya di dunia. Tanda-tanda itu semakin kuat, tatkala Ali dan Fadhal dengan sigap menangkap Rasulullah yang limbung saat turun dari mimbar.
Saat itu, seluruh sahabat yang hadir di sana pasti akan menahan detik-detik berlalu, kalau bisa.
Matahari kian tinggi, tapi pintu Rasulullah masih tertutup. Sedang di dalamnya, Rasulullah sedang terbaring lemah dengan keningnya yang berkeringat dan membasahi pelepah kurma yang menjadi alas tidurnya.
Tiba-tiba dari luar pintu terdengar seorang yang berseru mengucapkan salam.
"Bolehkah saya masuk?" tanyanya. Tapi Fatimah tidak mengizinkannya masuk,

"Maafkanlah, ayahku sedang demam," kata Fatimah yang membalikkan badan dan menutup pintu.
Kemudian ia kembali menemani ayahnya yang ternyata sudah membuka mata dan bertanya pada Fatimah, "Siapakah itu wahai anakku?".

"Tak tahulah ayahku, orang sepertinya baru sekali ini aku melihatnya,"tutur Fatimah lembut.
Lalu, Rasulullah menatap puterinya itu dengan pandangan yang menggetarkan. Seolah-olah bahagian demi bahagian wajah anaknya itu hendak dikenang.
"Ketahuilah, dialah yang menghapuskan kenikmatan sementara, dialah yang memisahkan pertemuan di dunia. Dialah malaikatul maut," kata Rasulullah, Fatimah pun menahan ledakan tangisnya.
Malaikat maut datang menghampiri, tapi Rasulullah menanyakan kenapa Jibril tidak ikut bersama menyertainya. Kemudian dipanggillah Jibril yang sebelumnya sudah bersiap di atas langit dunia menyambut ruh kekasih Allah dan penghulu dunia ini. " Jibril, jelaskan apa hakku nanti di hadapan Allah?" Tanya Rasululllah dengan suara yang amat lemah.

"Pintu-pintu langit telah terbuka, para malaikat telah menanti rohmu. Semua surga terbuka lebar menanti kedatanganmu," kata Jibril.
Tapi itu ternyata tidak membuatkan Rasulullah lega, matanya masih penuh kecemasan.
"Engkau tidak senang mendengar khabar ini?" Tanya Jibril lagi.
"Khabarkan kepadaku bagaimana nasib umatku kelak?"

"Jangan khawatir, wahai Rasul Allah, aku pernah mendengar Allah berfirman kepadaku: Kuharamkan surga bagi siapa saja, kecuali umat Muhammad telah berada di dalamnyakata Jibril.

Detik-detik semakin dekat, saatnya Izrail melakukan tugas. Perlahan ruh Rasulullah ditarik. Nampak seluruh tubuh Rasulullah bersimbah peluh, urat-urat lehernya menegang.

"Jibril, betapa sakit sakaratul maut ini." Perlahan Rasulullah mengaduh.
Fatimah terpejam, Ali yang di sampingnya menunduk semakin dalam dan Jibril memalingkan muka. 

"Jijikkah kau melihatku, hingga kau palingkan wajahmu Jibril?Tanya Rasulullah pada Malaikat pengantar wahyu itu. 

"Siapakah yang sanggup, melihat kekasih Allah direnggut ajal," kata Jibril.
Sebentar kemudian terdengar Rasulullah mengaduh, karena sakit yang tidak tertahankan lagi.

"Ya Allah, dahsyat nian maut ini, timpakan saja semua siksa maut ini kepadaku, jangan pada umatku."

Badan Rasulullah mulai dingin, kaki dan dadanya sudah tidak bergerak lagi.
Bibirnya bergetar seakan hendak membisikkan sesuatu, Ali mendekatkan telinganya.

"Uushiikum bis-shalaati, wamaa malakat aimaanukum - peliharalah shalat dan peliharalah orang-orang lemah di antaramu."

Di luar, pintu tangis mulai terdengar bersahutan, sahabat saling berpelukan.
Fatimah menutupkan tangan di wajahnya, dan Ali kembali mendekatkan telinganya ke bibir Rasulullah yang mulai kebiruan. 

"Ummatii, ummatii, ummatiii!" -
"Umatku, umatku, umatku"
Dan, berakhirlah hidup manusia mulia yang memberi sinaran itu.

Kini, mampukah kita mencintai sepertinya? 

"Allaahumma sholli 'alaa Muhammad wa'alaihi wasahbihi wasallim"

Betapa cintanya Rasulullah kepada kita.
Usah gelisah apabila dibenci manusia kerana masih banyak yang menyayangimu di dunia,
tapi gelisahlah apabila dibenci Allah kerana tiada lagi yang mengasihmu di akhirat kelak.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Muhammad Ali's The Greatest Fight


Muhammad Ali (born Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr.; January 17, 1942) is an American former professional boxer, generally considered among the greatest heavyweights in the sport's history. A controversial and polarizing figure during his early career, Ali is today widely regarded for the skills he displayed in the ring plus the values he exemplified outside of it: religious freedom, racial justice and the triumph of principle over expedience. He is one of the most recognized sports figures of the past 100 years, crowned "Sportsman of the Century" by Sports Illustrated and "Sports Personality of the Century" by the BBC.

Born Cassius Clay, at the age of 22 he won the world heavyweight championship in 1964 from Sonny Liston in a stunning upset. Shortly after that bout, Ali joined the Nation of Islam and changed his name. He converted to Sunni Islam in 1975.

In 1967, three years after winning the heavyweight title, Ali refused to be conscripted into the U.S. military, citing his religious beliefs and opposition to American involvement in the Vietnam War. The U.S. government declined to recognize him as a conscientious objector, however, because Ali declared that he would fight in a war if directed to do so by Allah or his messenger (Elijah Muhammad). He was eventually arrested and found guilty on draft evasion charges and stripped of his boxing title. He did not fight again for nearly four years—losing a time of peak performance in an athlete's career. Ali's appeal worked its way up to the U.S. Supreme Court, where in 1971 his conviction was overturned on a technicality. The Supreme Court held that, since the appeals board gave no reason for the denial of a conscientious objector exemption to petitioner, it was impossible to determine on which of the three grounds offered in the Justice Department's letter that board had relied. Ali's actions as a conscientious objector to the war made him an icon for the larger counterculture generation.

Ali remains the only three-time lineal World Heavyweight Champion; he won the title in 1964, 1974, and 1978.

Nicknamed "The Greatest", Ali was involved in several historic boxing matches. Notable among these were the first Liston fight, three with rival Joe Frazier, and one with George Foreman, where he regained titles he had been stripped of seven years earlier.


The Greatest
The People's Champion
The Lousville Lip


Total fights   61
Wins            56
Wins by KO   37
Losses          5
Draws           0
No contests   0
1. Sonji Roi (1964 - 1966)
2. Belinda Boyd (1967 - circa 1977)
3. Veronica Porche (1977 - 1996)
4. Yolanda "Lonnie" Williams (1996 - present)
Muhammad Ali vs Joe Frazier in Thrill in Manilla,Quezon City,
Metro Manilla,Philippines 1975

SOURCE : +Wikipedia 

Friday, 14 March 2014


Penerbangan 370 teori rampasan: ketidakmungkinan atau harapan terbaik?

(CNN) - Dalam satu kejadian di mana tiada apa yang boleh diketepikan, adalah ia satu kejutan bahawa beberapa saudara-mara daripada penumpang hilang Malaysia Airlines Penerbangan 370 berharap ia adalah rampasan yang?
Bagi sesetengah ia adalah satu teori konspirasi dibuat-buat, dan kepada orang lain, ia mewakili hanya senario yang meninggalkan membuka kemungkinan melihat orang yang tersayang hidup.
Begitulah beberapa keluarga yang hilang di Beijing rasa.
Pihak berkuasa telah bersatu dalam kesimpulan awal mereka bahawa keganasan tidak kelihatan di belakang kehilangan pesawat.
Tetapi tiada siapa yang boleh memerintah keluar.
"Saya tidak dapat mengesahkan sama ada tiada rampasan," kata Menteri Pengangkutan Malaysia Hishammuddin bin Hussein pada sidang akhbar Jumaat."Seperti yang saya katakan dari awal, dan saya amat konsisten, kita melihat semua kemungkinan."
Seperti hari-hari berlalu tanpa melihat anak bangkai di lautan, satu teori dalam bentuk adalah bahawa pesawat itu mungkin telah mendarat di suatu tempat, sama ada dengan perampas atau oleh juruterbang.
Salah satu petunjuk yang telah rumit carian bukti bahawa kapal terbang yang hilang mungkin telah dihidupkan kursus secara drastik selepas transponder yang berhenti menghantar isyarat.
Jika kapal terbang itu memang berubah ke arah barat, ia akan mempunyai cukup bahan api telah membuat ia India atau Pakistan, kata CNN penganalisis penguatkuasaan undang-undang Tom Fuentes.
"Ia mempunyai bahan api yang cukup untuk berbuat demikian," kata Fuentes. "Jadi, apa yang mengatakan adalah, seseorang terbang pesawat yang dalam arahan itu dengan sengaja. Sama ada ia akan menjadi perampas atau juruterbang diri mereka sendiri, seseorang yang menguasai kapal terbang bahawa semasa ia tinggal di udara dan disimpan terbang."
James Kallstrom, bekas Penolong Pengarah FBI, berkata ada kemungkinan pesawat boleh mendarat, walaupun dia menambah maklumat yang lebih diperlukan untuk mencapai kesimpulan muktamad. Beliau merujuk kepada kawasan carian yang luas.
"Anda menarik arka itu, dan anda melihat penggunaan di negara-negara seperti Pakistan, anda tahu, dan anda masuk ke dalam novel Superman anda, dan anda melihat pendaratan pesawat di suatu tempat dan (orang) tujuan semula ia untuk beberapa perbuatan pengecut di jalan," katanya kepada ini CNN Jake Tapper."Maksud saya, itu bukan luar alam realisme. Maksud saya, yang boleh berlaku."
Walaupun begitu, beliau mengakui kesukaran untuk mencapai kesimpulan yang kukuh dengan sisa maklumat yang kadang-kadang konflik.
"Kami mendapat begitu banyak data yang bercanggah," katanya."Anda berubah arah satu cara, maka anda berubah arah cara lain. Para penyiasat memerlukan muktamad, data yang betul."
John Nance, penganalisis penerbangan untuk ABC World News, memberitahu CNN Erin Burnett bahawa mana-mana teori perlu diambil dengan sebutir besar garam sehingga bangkai didapati atau seseorang mendakwa bahawa mereka mempunyai tebusan.
"Maksud saya, itu adalah satu keadaan jauh keluar yang benar-benar kita akan berharap untuk," katanya.
Adakah masih ada harapan bahawa penumpang boleh hidup di suatu tempat?
"Anda tahu, ia mungkin. Ini bukan kemungkinan, tetapi sekali lagi, perkara ini tidak mungkin berlaku," kata Nance.
Inilah yang kekurangan jawapan telah membuka: satu aliran tiada kemungkinan yang tidak boleh diketepikan, tidak kira bagaimana tidak mungkin mereka bunyi.
"Kami akan berurusan tanpa makhluk asing, sudah tentu. Kami akan menolak bahawa," syarikat penerbangan komersial Kapten Les Abend memberitahu CNN Don Lemon. Dia ragu-ragu mengenai teori yang kapal terbang 650,000 paun entah bagaimana telah bersemangat jauh ke lokasi yang tersembunyi.
"Di mana anda hendak pergi untuk menyembunyikan perkara ini, dan bagaimana anda akan mendapat konspirator untuk mendapatkan di atas kapal kapal terbang ini, merampas dan membawa ke suatu tempat jauh?" Abend bertanya. "Seseorang akan tahu mengenainya."
Idea bahawa pesawat itu dirampas atau disita untuk landasan tempat menyerang beliau sebagai dibuat-buat, katanya.
"Ini bersempadan dengan teori konspirasi," kata risikan CNN dan penganalisis keselamatan Robert Baer kemungkinan bahawa kapal terbang mendarat di suatu tempat yang akan digunakan kemudian untuk tujuan jahat.
Tetapi bagi setiap pakar yang merasakan cara ini, satu lagi melihat kemungkinan lain.
Billie Vincent, bekas pengarah keselamatan FAA, katanya difikirkan ia tidak mungkin bahawa kapal terbang terhempas. Ia mungkin bahawa kapal terbang itu terbang begitu banyak jam dan kemudian jatuh ke dalam laut, katanya.
"Itu hanya tidak masuk akal, yang membawa kita sekitar untuk titik bahawa kemungkinan dan mungkin juga kebarangkalian adalah bahawa pesawat itu dirampas dan disita," kata Vincent. "Tetapi kemudian anda perlu tanya diri anda: untuk apa tujuan"
Ketidakpastian ini menyediakan saat ini di mana pegawai-pegawai berkata tidak ada tanda keganasan atau rampasan, namun entah bagaimana ia masih hasil yang paling berharap untuk beberapa.

source: +CNN